fredag 9. mars 2018


Pull me in
a little closer
so I can smell your skin
so I can caress it
feel the little hairs
your little hairs
those that will grow and fall off
for what am I
but a vessel for you
to express your love
and anger
and regret
and fear
and pain
through and through

it is I who will listen to your secrets
and hide them for you
it is I who will let you know
when you have overstepped your boundaries
not my boundaries
but everyone else´s
it is I who will be asked
to love you unconditonally
no questions asked
maybe even no strings attached
the one
tying me to you

love is patient and love is kind
but it is not only that
it is also vicious
and unforgiving
and even though it might take you places
you never thought you´d go
maybe some of those places
are ones that you don´t want to see
are places that make you feel things you didn´t need to feel
or want
so I ask you
to pull me in
a little closer
let me smell your skin
let me caress it
but please let me exist
the way I want to
be the person I should be
and not the one you want
and if not..
the string will break
and you will be left with no vessel
no emotional harness
no safety net
and me..

maybe I will be better

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